Wax Burner & Wax Melt Safety

Wax Melt & Wax Burner Safety

Always follow the safety instructions that accompanies your tea light or electric wax melt burner/melter.

The product page will confirm how long you should use your burner for and the type of tea light that should be used with it.

1. Place your burner in a safe, stable situation, away from drafts and anything flammable and also well out of the reach of children or pets.

2. Place the soy wax melts in the well or plate of the burner or melter - do not add water.

3. Use an unscented tea light if using a tea light burner.

4. Never leave a lit candle unattended or the electric melter on constantly.

5. It is recommended not to use a tea light burner for longer than 4hrs to prevent cracking and damage to the burner. Some tea light burners should be used for less. Refer to the product description for confirmation.

6. Re-use soy wax melts until no fragrance is released, dispose of with normal waste.

7. Burners get HOT! Do not move until it has completely cooled down.

8. Read the safety instructions supplied directly with the product.